Not in Canada Anymore...

Growing up in Kansas, you become immune to the numerous Wizard of Oz references to the state we live in. However, we've never been more proud of living in the Emerald City as when Judy stepped off the plane in her ruby red slippers, proudly announcing her arrival in the Land of Oz.
The last couple of days have been delightful meeting with the woman who is just as passionate about Alice as we are! Today (Monday), we conducted an interview with Judy, where we asked her about her process as an author, her discovery of Alice, and how she came across her story. We also took her on a tour of Washburn Rural High School.
Tomorrow (Tuesday), we will be presenting to various students on four different occasions in the library. We are thrilled to be able to share this incredible story with Washburn Rural faculty and students tomorrow! Our hope is that other students and faculty will be able to be inspired by Alice's incredible story, just as much as Judy and our group was!