Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes:
Alice Seeley Harris
Meet the Team

Avery Stratton
Student Member
My name is Avery Stratton. I am a senior in my 2nd year of candidacy in the International Baccalaureate Programme. Next year, I plan to attend Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas and major in biology, with a focus in premedicine. Also, I'm planning on minoring in film studies. In my free time, I enjoy playing the acoustic guitar, ukulele and piano, and reading.
What is an unsung hero to you?
An unsung hero is someone who possesses immense bravery and has done something very courageous in the past, but haven't recieved recognition for it. Because they aren't commended for their valor, unsung heroes are humble and altruistic; they aren't motivated by superficial desires, they truly have a desire to help others.
Why did you choose to participate in this project?
I really liked the idea of researching someone who had done something courageous in the past but hadn't recieved recognition for it. I think that a lot of students today only associate true heroism with fame and fortune, but this project encourages students to think otherwise. Also, I've always enjoyed making movies, so when LeDuc presented us with this project, I was immediatley on board.
Why is Alice's story so impactful to you?
When Alexis found Alice, I knew she would be the perfect subject for our documentary. Not only was she one of the first people to use a camera as a vehicle for a human rights campaign, but she overcame female supression with grace and valor. It's because of this her story impacts me so much.
What do you want people to gain from this project?
I hope that people are inspired by Alice's bravery like I was. I really do feel as if this project has the potential to make a difference. If anything, Alice’s amazing work is recognized and she is commended for her bravery.

Alexis Balaun
Student Member
My name is Alexis Balaun. I am always looking for new subjects to explore. My favorite things to do involve reading or painting with my wonderful cat Louie, anything that involves winter, especially winter sports, and participating in UHCA events with people from the horse stable I am involved with.
What is an unsung hero to you?
An unsung hero is someone who does what they know is right despite all odds. They don't ask for recognition or fame, they just ask for change.
Why did you choose to participate in this project?
I decided become a member of this team because I wanted to learn everything there was to learn about Alice. I wanted to do something that was bigger than me.
Why is Alice's story so impactful to you?
I'm always trying to wear other peoples shoes, and when I put myself in Alice's situation I feel like I can actually accomplish something that helps more people than just my bubble of friends and family.
What do you want people to gain from this project?
When people watch our documentary or read about our efforts, I want them to think about a moment when they could have dug deeper but didn't, or followed the rules despite them being corrupt. My goal is to spread the story of a woman who started a human rights movement during a time of female suppression with nothing but a camera and a story.

Sarah Erickson
Student Member
My name is Sarah Erickson, and I am a senior in the International Baccalaureate Programme at Washburn Rural High School. Next year, I plan on attending Reed College in Portland, Oregon to study international relations.
What is an unsung hero to you?
An unsung hero is an individual that has led an inspirational life, whose story may not be known by many. Furthermore, with proper recognition, their stories have the potential to reach and inspire others to do good throughout their own lives.
Why did you choose to participate in this project?
I decided to participate in the Unsung Hero project because, like I mentioned before, I want to be a part of something that has the potential to reach others and inspire people in their everyday lives. There are many individuals throughout history that have led inspirational lives, whose stories deserve recognition.
Why is Alice's story so impactful to you?
Having the opportunity to uncover and share Alice's work in the Congo was the perfect opportunity to share a story that is inspirational and underrepresented. I feel like she is the perfect focus for our entry.
What do you want people to gain from this project?
The goal of this project is to provide Alice's work the proper recognition it deserves, with the hope of inspiring others with Alice's story as well.

Haley Swedlund
Student Member
My name is Haley Swedlund. I am a senior in the International Baccalaureate Programme at Washburn Rural High School, with plans to attend the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas next fall. I am looking forward to a college career as a Social Work major. In my free time I am a volunteer with Grace Hospice, an actress, and an avid tea enthusiast.
What is an unsung hero to you?
To me, an unsung hero is someone who has performed a selfless deed and had a positive impact on the world, without seeking or receiving recognition.
Why did you choose to participate in this project?
Many unsung heros have been overlooked in history because of the color of their skin, their gender, their belief system, their sexuality, class, or other irrelevant factors. As a woman, I feel compelled to bring light to these hero's accomplishments in order to honor them and make the world a more just, less discriminatory place. I believe that all minority groups deserve representation in history.
Alice Seeley Harris brought light to the transgressions brought against the people of the Congo. In photographs she told their story and exposed them to the world. Decades later, here we are, attempting to do the same thing for our dear Alice.
Why is Alice's story so impactful to you?
Alice was able to use art to change the world and give a voice to those that did not have one. I can only put myself in the shoes of those whom she photographed -- people who were shunned by most of the western world. Not only did Alice have the courage to interact with these people whom no one else would, but she was able to capture their image in a beautiful and approachable way. I can only hope that in a similar situation, someone would do the same for me.
What do you want people to gain from this project?
I hope that this project not only opens people's eyes to Alice's story, but also to the fact that recorded history is subjective and that it is our job to honor those who have been overlooked.

Brad LeDuc
Project Supervisor
My name is Brad LeDuc. I am passionate about my family, making art and all things involved in teaching.
What is an unsung hero to you?
I would describe an unsung hero as someone who goes above and beyond what is asked of them to make a difference not only in the lives of others, but for a greater cause.
Why did you choose to participate in this project?
I was blessed to have had an opportunity to spend a week down in Fort Scott, Kansas at the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes. It was a wonderful week of professional development where I learned about how to go back to the classroom and facilitate an unsung hero project with students. It has already been an experience like no other in getting to work with four extremely talented and bright students who all share a like passion in advocating the life a very deserving woman, Alice Seeley Harris.
Why is Alice's story so impactful to you?
I was extremely moved by Alice's story the very first time I learned about it from Lexi, one of our team members. Her story has several layers to it that resonate to me personally. For most of, if not all of, her life, her heroic actions dwelled in the shadow of her husband which was typical of the time. As a teacher, it is powerful to see four young woman find hope and confidence while being empowered in helping her receive the recognition she deserves.
I also love how Alice's story revolves around the use of a camera and the power of a visual image to tell a story. In this case, a story that constitutes a revolution of change that gives a voice to those who had none.
Lastly, the images Alice captured with her Kodak Brownie are unlike any imagery I have ever seen and resonate with my soul in terms of family. They are difficult to look at and challenge the viewer to reflect on their own experiences in a way that make you truly appreciate how blessed you are and in the same breadth, make you want to live a life that makes a difference in the life of those around you.
What do you want people to gain from this project?
My hope is that this project honors the life and legacy of Alice Seeley Harris while shining a light on the oppression and killing that took place years ago and unfortunately continues to persist in our world. Although we live in a different time, there are still opportunities abound to make a difference in the lives of the ill-treated.