Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes:
Alice Seeley Harris
We have collected information from books, online sources, primary sources, newspaper articles, and interviews from SoundCloud. Here is a complete list of all of our sources:
Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness ; And, the Secret Sharer. New York: Signet Classic, 1997. Print.
Hochschild, Adam. King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1998. Print.
Smith, Judy Pollard. Don't Call Me Lady: The Journey of Lady Alice Seeley Harris. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.
Twain, Mark. King Leopold's Soliloquy. New York: International, 1970. Print.
Interviews/Audio Clips
"The Congo Atrocities Lecture, Read by Baroness Lola Young." Autograph ABP. SoundCloud. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. <https://soundcloud.com/autographabp/the-congo-atrocities-lecture>.
Harris, Richard and Rebecca Seeley Harris. "Interview with Alice Seeley Harris, 1970." Autograph ABP. SoundCloud. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. <https://soundcloud.com/autographabp/alice-seeley-harris-interview>.
Online Resources
"Alice Seeley Harris." Brutal Exposure: the Congo. International Slavery Museum, Liverpool Museum, 2015. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. <http://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/ism/exhibitions/brutal-exposure/alice-seeley-harris.aspx>.
"Alice Seeley Harris." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 3 Feb. 2015. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_Seeley_Harris>.
"Alice Seeley Harris.” Woman of Action. A Celebration of Women. 25 March 2013. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. <http://acelebrationofwomen.org/2013/03/alice-seeley-harris-woman-of-action>.
"Alice Seeley Harris Search." Panos Pictures. Anti-Slavery International. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. <http://www.panos.co.uk/bin/panos2.dll/go?a=disp&rs=1&pt=1&_m=2&_men=menu_2&_yp1=0&usp=0&_spe=0&t=sr-loadersearch.html&searchtext=alice+seeley+harris&_sf0=&_sf1=&_sf2=&_sf3=&_toc=1&_sis=1&si=>.
"’When Harmony Went to Hell’ Congo Dialogues: Alice Seeley Harris and Sammy Baloji." Exhibitions. Autograph ABP, 2015. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. <http://autograph-abp.co.uk/exhibitions/congo-dialogues>.
Rachel Segal Hamilton. "Alice Seeley Harris' Photos Exposed the Horrors of Colonialism in the Congo." VICE. Vice Media LLC. 11 Feb. 2015. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. <http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/colonialism-on-camera>.
"John Wilbur Ripley." - Kansapedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2015.
Sealy, Mark. “Republic of the Congo.”
Newspaper Articles
All photos from the gallery at http://www.panos.co.uk/bin/panos2.dll/go?a=disp&rs=1&pt=1&_m=2&_men=menu_2&_yp1=0&usp=0&_spe=0&t=sr-loadersearch.html&searchtext=alice+seeley+harris&_sf0=&_sf1=&_sf2=&_sf3=&_toc=1&_sis=1&si=
Bergh, Nancy. "John W. Ripley." The Magic Lantern Gazette 1 (Fall 1989): 1. Print.
"THE KODAK ON THE CONGO." The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931) 21 Oct 1905: 14. Web. 24 Feb 2015 <http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article4972563>.
Rebecca Seeley Harris
Judy Pollard Smith
Lucy Johnson